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Workpackage 3

WP 3 - Participative Lab

Duration: 15.03.2021 - 14.03.2023


Leading organisation: Alpen Adria Univerität Klagenfurt 


Participative Lab:

Development and implementation of a participatory process to continuously identify and address needs, resources and strategies for educational organisations and companies.
The aim of this work package and its tasks is to improve the structural academic and non-academic/CPD education and training capacities by enabling strategic participative approaches. The aim of the participatory laboratory is to identify/approach the needs and resources of the respective partners together with them. The participatory approach avoids guidelines from a European perspective and appreciates the existing knowledge of the partners in the Asian regions. This creates an exchange in which all partners (European and Asian) learn from each other. This approach, which dispenses with "instruction from above", ensures that the learning outcomes are more sustainable. 
Increasing capacities of universities and organisations in the LAB to provide more effective education 
Participatory analysis of the needs and resources of universities and organisations in the partner regions 
Participatory development of strategies for HE and CPD Reflecting methods and tools for teachers and trainers as pre-service and in-service training and on different levels (academic and non-academic) 
Exploring, developing, testing, and implementing innovative educational methods and tools 
•    Developing a plan for tuning existing HE programs (at universities) 
•    Developing a plan for disseminating CPD products 
The EU partners will help to develop content, implement new teaching methods and tools and provide and support experts to teach in some of coursework, help getting food study programs and training activities for CPD certified on an international level, provide training for partners at EU Universities. 

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